• 美官员勒令交出斯诺登:否则要轰炸香港
  • 发布时间:2013-06-17 08:51:36 来源:中国称重网信息中心
  •   美国参议员麦凯恩呼吁占领香港,解决美国秘密监听问题被泄露一事。

      In an interview with BBC World News, the hawkish Republican said that by hosting the leaker, Edward Snowden, Hong Kong has proven itself to be an enemy of the United States.


      "Either you're with us or you're against us," McCain explained to anchor Freddie Lyon, "and clearly the nation of Hong Kong is against us. By harboring this known cybercriminal they pose a clear and present danger to the American people.


      "I don't want to hear about extradition or rendition or any of that nonsense. This man is a traitor and if we don't get him within 24 hours I say we need to start bombing the hell out of Hong Kong.
